
Inspection and Accreditation Reports

Inspection and Verification Reports

  • Health and safety, including arrangements for child protection/ safeguarding has moved from ‘Very Good’ to ‘Outstanding’ in all phases of the school.

    Key Statements from KHDA Inspection Report 2023

  • Students’ Personal development and understanding of Emirati culture and Islamic Values have moved from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ in all phases of the school

  • Student Wellbeing and provision has been judged as ‘Very High’. Care and Support for students has moved from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ in all phases of the school.

  • Effective partnerships with parents and the community has moved from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good

  • Our investment and prioritisation of inclusion has resulted in improved outcomes and personal development. The inclusion judgment has subsequently moved from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’.

  • School leaders have a well-considered mission and vision to develop their students as leaders of the future, as seen, for example, in the introduction of High Performance Learning. There is a positive learning culture although this is not consistently having an impact in raising attainment. Distribution of leadership responsibilities has recently been expanded. Most leaders have secure curriculum knowledge. They do not effectively use this knowledge to check the accuracy and use of internal assessments, and to fully hold staff to account for student outcomes.

    Key Statements from KHDA Inspection Report 2022

  • Effective partnerships with parents are increasingly well established. Parents generally express their satisfaction with how the school communicates with them and the quality of the information received in support of their children's learning. Reports to parents are regular and inform parents of the next learning steps their child needs to take to succeed. However, teacher comments in reports do not always accurately link to age-related curriculum standards. Partnerships with a cluster of schools is supporting the drive for improvement. 

  • Effective management ensures the school runs smoothly on a daily basis. Almost all staff members are suitably qualified. New staff members benefit from purposeful and well-organised induction programmes. The premises are of a high quality with a range of specialized facilities that are used well to support students’ achievements. 

  • A broad range of internal assessment systems are in place which are analysed alongside external measures of student outcomes. Improved use of CAT 4 data is beginning to influence teaching and learning styles. This is having a positive impact on the progress of Emirati students. Processes are in place to evaluate the quality of teaching and learning. The impact of teaching on student outcomes is inconsistently considered. Leaders’ understanding of school improvement priorities is evident in detailed development plans.

  • Home-school communication is promoted by class teachers and specialist staff. Parents are generally well engaged with their children’s educational programmes. Their involvement and feedback make a positive contribution to the overall quality of provision available to students of determination

  • The school has developed and implemented a range of policies and procedures that are effective in ensuring the safety, care, protection, well-being, guidance, and support of students, staff and visitors.


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